
winxp.exe 5.1.2600.0 Aggiornato

Click on the following links for the driver package readme info:.../WinXP/Readme.txt This package supports the following driver models: NVIDIA nForce PCI System Management NVIDIA nForce 220/230 Memory Controller (DDR) NVIDIA nForce 415/420/430 Memory... 2002-11-28

Questo pacchetto supporta i seguenti modelli conducente: Winbond Memory Stick Storage (MS) Device Driver Winbond Smartcard Reader Winbond Secure Digital Storage (SD / MMC) Device Driver Requisiti : Windows NT 4 SP 6 di Windows SP 2003 1 ...


cardreader.exe 2002-11-28

Questo pacchetto supporta i seguenti modelli conducente: Winbond Memory Stick Storage (MS) Device Driver Winbond Smartcard Reader Winbond Secure Digital Storage (SD / MMC) Device Driver Requisiti : Windows NT 4 SP 6 di Windows SP 2003 1 ...


nforce203_xp.exe 2002-12-05

Clicca sui seguenti link per informazioni conducente pacchetto readme:... / WinXP / Readme.txtQuesto pacchetto supporta i seguenti modelli conducente: NVIDIA nForce PCI Management System NVIDIA nForce 220/230 controller di memoria (DDR) NVIDIA...