
S316bit-pci-98.zip 1997-12-17

This package supports the following driver models:S3 SonicVibes Plug and Play SB Pro Compatible Device S3 SonicVibes Plug and Play Wave/Aux/Mixer Device S3 SonicVibes Plug and Play FM Synthesizer S3 SonicVibes Plug and Play Wavetable Synthesizer S3...

3Cam USB Camera

3Cam USB Camera 1998-09-17

Questo pacchetto supporta i seguenti modelli conducente: 3cam USB Camera Requisiti : Windows NT 4 SP 6 di Windows SP 2003 1 di Windows XP 64 bit di AMD Windows XP 64-bit SP 1 Windows NT 4 SP 2 Windows 2000 SP 1 di Windows 2003 a 64...