Top Driver del modem Per Windows
Questo pacchetto supporta i seguenti modelli conducente: SENS PT56MDW Modem
Requisiti : Windows NT 4 SP 6 di Windows SP 2003 1 di Windows XP 64 bit di AMD Windows XP 64-bit SP 1 Windows NT 4 SP 2 Windows 2000 SP 1 di Windows 2003 a 64...
Questo pacchetto supporta i seguenti modelli conducente: Conexant SoftK56 Dati, Fax, Voce, un altoparlante, microtelefono PCI Modem
Conexant SoftK56 Dati, Fax PCI Modem
Conexant SoftK56 Dati, Fax, Voce, Speakerphone PCI Modem
Aopen FM56-SLM...
Questo pacchetto supporta i seguenti modelli conducente: Conexant SoftK56 dati, fax, Vivavoce PCI Modem (Default chipset)
Conexant SoftK56 dati, fax, RemoteTam PCI Modem
Conexant SoftK56 dati, fax, Speakerphone PCI Modem
Requisiti : Windows...
This package supports the following driver models:Conexant SoftK56 Data,Fax,Speakerphone PCI Modem
Requirements:Windows NT 4 SP 6Windows 2003 SP 1Windows XP AMD 64-bitWindows XP 64-bit SP 1Windows NT 4 SP 2Windows 2000 SP 1Windows 2003 64-bitWindows 2003...
This package supports the following driver models:TOSHIBA Internal V.90 Modem
Controllerless Modem Port
Voice Modem Serial Wave Device
Requirements:Windows NT 4 SP 6Windows 2003 SP 1Windows XP AMD 64-bitWindows XP 64-bit SP 1Windows NT 4 SP 2Windows...
This package supports the following driver models:Conexant SoftK56 Data,Fax,Speakerphone PCI Modem ( Chipset Default )
Conexant SoftK56 Data,Fax,RemoteTam PCI Modem
Conexant SoftK56 Data,Fax,Speakerphone PCI Modem
Requirements:Windows NT 4 SP 6Windows...
Questo pacchetto supporta i seguenti modelli conducente: Conexant SoftK56 dati, fax, Vivavoce PCI Modem (Default chipset)
Conexant PCI Modem Enumerator
Conexant Voice Modem Wave Device seriale
Conexant SoftK56 dati, fax, RemoteTam PCI Modem
This package supports the following driver models:AOpen PCI Modem Enumerator
AOpen Voice Modem Serial Wave Device
AOpen FM56-SLM Soft PCI Modem
Requirements:Windows NT 4 SP 6Windows 2003 SP 1Windows XP AMD 64-bitWindows XP 64-bit SP 1Windows NT 4 SP...
Questo pacchetto supporta i seguenti modelli conducente: Lucent Technologies morbida Modem AMR
Lucent Technologies soft modem PCI
Lucent Technologies soft modem
Requisiti : Windows NT 4 SP 6 di Windows SP 2003 1 di Windows XP 64 bit di...
Questo pacchetto supporta i seguenti modelli conducente: Lucent Technologies morbida Modem AMR
Lucent Technologies soft modem PCI
Lucent Technologies soft modem
Requisiti : Windows NT 4 SP 6 di Windows SP 2003 1 di Windows XP 64 bit di...
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